If you’re looking for a cute baby bearded dragon for sale, then it’s a must to understand more on the necessary care on the little pet reptile. Compared to their counterparts of adult and juvenile, they do need extra care as they are more vulnerable to several risks such as health or feeding issues.

Many reptile pet owners have constantly checking out the little bearded dragons for sales because they are cute and fun to play with, however lagging of experiences on these little pets causing their life threatened. If you really love these small animals, then I would suggest you to understand more about the baby bearded dragon first before you adopting one.

A baby bearded dragon or hatchling is about 4 months of age or younger. For a newly born bearded dragon, it needs more care compared to the juvenile or adult dragon because they are more fragile. Proper tedious cares are needed to keep them growing healthily.

For the first few months after the bearded dragons are born, you need to dedicate more care such as to avoid  frequent handling to reduce the stress, small prey size, and more calcium intake.

It is hard to find baby bearded dragons below 6 weeks old as it is harder to take care of them. Most breeders won’t release or sell them until the baby dragons are at least 8 weeks of age. It is good for the pet dragons, pet industry, herptoculture, and also for reptile pet owners.

Even if the bearded dragon baby is  8 weeks, they are still considered hatching or very young. They are most likely prone to stress, and it would affect its growth and health. Buying a baby bearded dragon at this age is still good as they are young enough to get know to you.

Most of the reptile hobbyists buy a baby bearded dragon because they are small and cute. If you are pursuing one for yourself, make sure that it is at least 8 weeks old, and take good care of your pet. 

Caring for baby bearded dragons is very similar to the adult beardie care, however there are slight differences. They need more care because they are small and fragile compared to their counterparts.

First of all, is the housing for bearded dragon babies. They do not require a big enclosure size and ambient space. If the cage is too large, they may find it difficult chasing down and hunting for the prey. If the enclosure is too big, they may feel insecure living in it. Smaller enclosures will make them feel more secure.

Many people are using 10 – 20 gallon aquariums or enclosures for the hatchlings. It is quite an appropriate size that is needed. When it is growing up, you may need to consider switching your pet to a bigger cage.

The placement of baby bearded dragon cages should be taken into consideration as well. Try to avoid places that are busy and high footage traffic, especially when there are children running around and may get a chance to hit the enclosure. The disturbances may stress them and they feel insecure about that.

Housing for baby bearded dragons is not hard. Just make sure that the cage is small, placed at low traffic area, and provide good temperature and lighting setup. 

A baby bearded dragon should be fed more often as they need more fats and protein from the food for rapid growth. They should be fed least 2 to 3 times a day.

The main concern in feeding baby bearded dragons is the food size, especially insects such as crickets. The proper food size should be 1/3 of the hatchling’s head and the length should be smaller than the distance between their eyes.

Feeding hatchlings with small prey is a must as large items can lead to paralysis and even death. However, it is hard to find small crickets especially during winter season, thus breeding your own crickets is the secure way to provide clean and disease-free cricket for your baby bearded dragon. 

It is recommended to feed crickets to hatchlings as they do not have the hard chitinous like mealworms have and can cause impactions as larger crickets do. Small crickets are full of protein needed for growing as well. The crickets should be dusted with supplements at least once a day.

Besides small crickets, small bearded dragons need greens, fruits and vegetables at this time as well. If many baby dragons are housed in the same enclosure, this can help to keep them from nipping their counterparts’ tails and toes. If shredded dark leafy greens and vegetables are offered, they will be able to nibble between feeding times whenever they desire to.

One of the feeding principles for baby bearded dragons is to offer them plenty of water. You may mist their head, cage wall, and decorations with water until they start to lap the water droplets. You can try to provide a water dish at this time, just make sure that the water is shallow. A medication dropper can be used to feed water to them if you have time.   

Handling baby bearded dragons may be a little bit tricky as this small reptile seems to get stressed quite easily. It will be quite challenging for a beginner. The best way for handling baby dragons is to try not to handle them too often as they can be overly stressed.

For the first time holding the baby dragon, be sure that they have at least 3 days to get used to their new surroundings.

The first time you try to hold them  they may resist, but approach them slowly. Try to pick them up from the side instead of the top.
This will reduce the risk of being scared. Reach under the body part, and support their body with another hand, let the body feel that it is standing firmly on your hands.

As they are getting older, it won’t be a problem. At this time, you can hold them anytime you want to. However, do not over do it.

Enjoy handling your baby bearded dragons, but do not do it frequently.